The business world is competitive and being qualified sometimes isn’t enough. The candidate, supervisor or staff member must look qualified too. Promotion and respect in their careers are overwhelming reasons men desire to look more energetic.
Drooping eyelids, accentuated by a falling brow can create a tired and dragged out look. A weak chin does not project a powerful presence. A double chin or deep jowls create an impression of being older than you are. Love handles or a pot-belly can be interpreted as not being physically fit. The plastic surgeon will provide you with solutions to resolve these features that take away from an energetic and healthy appearance.
Men often neglect skin care, except for soap and water. There are medically researched products available to reduce fine lines, eliminate “age spots”, lighten dark areas under the eyes and improve the texture of the skin. These can be incorporated with surgical procedures to create a clear and smooth appearance. For brochures or more information contact us at Northern Colorado Plastic and Hand Surgery, 970- 493-8800